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Scaling, or the stage that follows the growth phase of an organization, is especially hard on a sales team. At this point of growth, significant executive attention and pressure is placed on new revenue growth. Additionally, when selling a new product in an emerging market, freshly hired sellers & managers are tasked with testing messaging […]
Call recording is an incredibly valuable tool for sales managers to leverage during sales coaching and training. It allows them to coach large teams at scale by granting them the ability to capture every call and be alerted when a specific situation or rep requires their attention. These calls can be stored in call libraries […]
Modern sales reps have more communication channels available to them than ever before. SMS messages, email, social media, even video all provide a conduit to engage with contacts. However even today, the phone still prevails as the most effective sales communication tool. The phone is still the only communication method through which sales reps can […]
Sales professionals have one of the most straightforward job descriptions out there: sell. However salespeople only spend a third of their time selling, and sales managers spend twice as much time on administrative items than they do coaching their sales teams. Modern salespeople battle two main opponents for their time, communication channels and sales tools. […]
Sales automation is one of the key factors that will contribute to the success or failure of your team in the next few years. Sales teams require an ever-increasing amount of data in order to make themselves, as well as departments like marketing, support, and product successful. The majority of this data collection has fallen […]
According to CSO Insights, organizations are using an average of 10 sales tools and plan to add another four within the next 12 months. As teams pile on more and more applications in the hopes of finding that “magic bullet” that will let them decimate their quotas, sales technologies stacks continue to expand. But where […]
In its sales operations optimization study, CSO Insights found that sales technology is a key differentiator of high performing sales organizations. In fact, Salesforce found that 88% of high performers use sales technology. It’s easy to see… without sales optimization tools, teams simply waste too much time and lack the capability to effectively sell in […]
Our Founder & CEO Howard Brown appeared on Bloomberg TV to discuss AI in the workforce, the future of labor, and how Revenue.io is transforming the sales experience. Most of the news surrounding AI seems to be negative in terms of impact on the workforce, but Howard shares a more optimistic view. He discusses how […]
The differentiation of data has transformed the sales process. We have technographic data to peer into the technical infrastructure our prospects use. We have behavioral and intent data to show us how our prospects interact with our brand and when they’re most likely to convert. We even have penetration data to see how conversation about […]
It’s another Monday morning, and you find yourself surrounded by yawning colleagues, open laptops, and Starbucks disposable cups in the conference room while your sales manager drones on with the latest numbers and pipeline update. You check your email, check the news, and check your watch – can we get out already? Why do sales […]
According to a study by CSO Insights, sales organizations are using an average of 10 sales tech tools, with a plan to add another four in the next 12 months. Affectionately named the “sales stack,” these tools are all supposed to help a salesperson become more productive and yield metrics that managers can use to […]
Ever since the introduction of sales automation software, the great debate has been ongoing: What activities, interactions, and conversations should be automated so prospect can interact on their own, and what should be done with the help of a human? The automation side of the debate has fueled its fair share of anxiety that humans […]